• Liberty Alliance Exists to Fight for Conservative Values Wherever They are Under Attack Donate

  • COMING SOON: The Return of Blue Lives Spotlight

    March 7, 2024

    We’ve had ENOUGH of the constant Liberal attacks on our police officers.

    The brave men and women of law enforcement deserve to be treated with RESPECT and GRATITUDE, not slander and ridicule.

    We know real Americans agree. 

    The Liberal Left is attacking our police officersprosecuting them for doing their jobs, and making our communities less safe with their INSANE policies.

    That’s why we’re bringing back our BLUE LIVES SPOTLIGHT – a series dedicated to honoring our police officers for their hard work.

    The Left may work to defund the police, but Liberty Alliance will always DEFEND THE POLICE.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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