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  • Political Peters Baker

    November 29, 2023

    Missouri Governor Mike Parson recently appeared with Pete Mundo on KCMO Talk Radio, where he was asked about the case of former Kansas City Police Department Detective Eric DeValkenaere.

    Parson responded:

    “It’s been one of the toughest issues that’s really on my desk, but the one thing that bothered me more than anything about that case was the way the prosecutor handled that in Kansas City, by the accusation she was making about guilt or innocence without actually even knowing the facts herself.

    “You don’t ever want anybody convicted because of the political side of things. But she set a poor example of setting the stage and making this more of a political issue when she should be doing what’s right by the law.”

    The Governor is spot-on. Liberal Prosecutor Jean Peters Baker has made this case political from its very start.

    The incident for which Det. DeValkenaere was convicted happened in December of 2019 and the prosecution began at the height of the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement.

    At the time of the incident, Jean Peters Baker was the Chair of the Missouri Democratic Party. While she was Chair, the party adopted a platform that explicitly celebrated the anti-police Black Lives Matter movement.

    Peters Baker marched with Black Lives Matter protesters in Kansas City. These were the same protests where over 150 were arrested including four for looting.

    She publicly attacked the Kansas CIty Police Department because she wanted to reinvestigate a case after no probable cause was found to suggest an officer had broken the law.

    Peters Baker to this day hosts a page on the Jackson County Prosecutor’s Office website dedicated to criminal justice reforms in which she criticizes the city for charging law-breaking protesters with crimes, and solicits donations for the KC Community Bail Fund, a Left-wing organization dedicated to securing the release of pre-trial defendants, no matter their charges.

    She launched a website to collect evidence of “excessive force” for the expressed purpose of prosecuting police officers.

    Although Jean Peters Baker is frantically deleting tweets from her timeline, she remains a rabid Anti-police Radical and her prosecution of Eric DeValkenaere should be understood in those terms. 

    It’s clear from her track record that Jean Peters Baker is incapable of being objective about police issues. This prosecution has been tainted from the start.


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