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  • Right When We Lose Faith in Humanity

    March 14, 2024

    This week was the first week of the Citizen’s Police Academy run by the KCPD. Their goal in operating this program is to educate the public, humanize police officers, and promote public safety.

    At Liberty Alliance USA, we ALWAYS back the blue, so this was an opportunity we couldn’t pass up. 

    There were almost 20 of us that met at the Regional Police Academy. Attendees ran the gamut from a Marine veteran, to a neurosurgeon, people who were considering working for KCPD, and a woman who was seeking clarity after her neighbor was involved in a homicide.

    We learned a lot.

    We had no idea that the standard police vehicles we see on our streets are not bulletproof. One of the officers described the windows as “Ford grade.”

    In their words, “if someone wants to kill us, it’s only a matter of time.” 

    As we’re left to think about that, the representative from the Kansas City Police Historical Society came in wearing his tactical vest, leading his son by the hand.

    He walked us through major events in the 150 years of KCPD, including the Union Station massacre, which suddenly seems more relevant.

    Our class ended with a presentation by the Commander of the Employment Unit. 

    It’s a hard time to be a police officer. 

    Officers told us that it’s never been as bad as it has been since 2020. 

    Retirements nearly doubled and because their recruits have to go through training equivalent in hours to a doctoral degree, it takes time to replace vacancies. 

    We heard stories of individual shifts down 27 officers. The traffic division is down almost 50%.

    Not many organizations could survive losing 30% of their workforce. 

    The raise proposed by City Council would make a big difference in that regard.

    The Employment Unit Commander was among the many officers present at Union Station during the Chiefs parade. After the parade shooting, he received calls from many people who wanted to become police officers and help their city.

    “Right about the time I lose faith in humanity, people rise to the occasion,” he said.

    Amen to that. 

    We support our brave police officers and thank them for their service and sacrifice.

    Team Liberty Alliance

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