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  • DEI Nonsense in St. Joe Schools

    January 25, 2024

    Earlier this week, the St. Joseph Board of Education created a position for a Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.

    This bureaucrat would be paid over $100,000.

    St. Joseph schools are failing.

    The district ranks 398 of 552 districts in the state of Missouri.

    The district proficiency in English and language arts is 37%.

    Proficiency in math is 31%.

    Students are struggling to read at grade level and the Board of Education wants to spend their money on Left-wing racial politics?! It’s clear that there is a lack of leadership.

    This is what the educational establishment wants: more administrative bloat at the expense of student success.

    Their priority is political indoctrination NOT education.

    Students who are trapped in failing schools deserve options. That’s why on National School Choice Week, we’re highlighting the steps that the Missouri legislature can take to move the ball forward.

    Our schools should be focused on teaching students things that matter.

    Toxic DEI ideology has no place in our schools.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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