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  • Nick Schroer

    April 15, 2021

    Conservative Champion: Nick Schroer

    “We need conservatives to be less conservative with the use of their voices.”

    This is a mantra that Representative Nick Schroer lives by.

    Here’s the thing, people noticed.

    This is why we are proud to announce that Nick Schroer has been recognized as the first CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION of the Conservative Chronicles—a series that serves to highlight the efforts of those individuals making a difference in our state.

    If you don’t know Nick Schroer’s story, don’t worry. You’re about to. It’s a good one. We will start this journey where his passion for conservatism began to take off.

    Schroer was a student at the University of Missouri in St. Louis during the 2008 Presidential election. Not happy with the result and the direction of our country, Schroer began to think about how he might be able to contribute moving forward.

    That election started the slow burn of political engagement. It got even stronger when he was a student at Southern-Illinois University School of Law in Carbondale.

    One day in his Constitutional Law class, one of his classmates made a radical claim suggesting that Roe v. Wade didn’t go far enough. It was starting to look like this individual was going to steamroll his viewpoint to the class and get off easy, unless someone spoke up.

    That’s when Schroer took action.

    He did what no one else would do: He spoke up, spoke out, and debated this student in front of all his peers. They were impressed by Schroer’s quick wit and passion.

    After witnessing his initiative, his classmates then prompted him to join the school’s Federalist Society and Republican club. To the surprise of nobody, he established himself within these groups and eventually became the president of both. His involvement in these organizations strengthened his belief in the conservative cause and sharpened his arguments. He was all in.

    That slow burn of political engagement only became stronger over time. As his convictions grew stronger, more and more people started to recognize that he could be a key advocate for the conservative movement. After praying and deliberating, Schroer decided to run for office and represent the 107th district in the Missouri House of Representatives.

    He won, hit the ground running, and never looked back. We are so glad he did.

    Schroer is currently serving in his 3rd term and has already accomplished so much. He has shown the people of Missouri that he doesn’t shy away from the tough issues, but embraces them.

    In 2019, he spoke up for those who couldn’t speak for themselves and spearheaded the Missouri Stands for the Unborn Act, also known as the Heartbeat Bill. Additionally, he has been a strong advocate for veterans affairs. For example, he worked to name a portion of highway I-70 after a World War II veteran who worked to free individuals from the Dachau concentration camp.

    His other accomplishments include:

    • increasing criminal penalties for individuals that attack and target law enforcement officers.
    • achieving regulatory reform that allows military spouse license reciprocity.
    • sponsoring legislation to get rid of the personal property tax.

    When Schroer puts his mind to something, he succeeds.

    Schroer is also a strong proponent of the Second Amendment as indicated by his A+ rating with the NRA. He believes that this is one of the most pressing issues that our country is currently facing. He knows how far the left is willing to go to try to strip Americans of this Constitutional Right. According to Schroer, every other constitutional right hinges on the Second Amendment, and actions must be taken to preserve this freedom. The radical leftist agenda must be stopped.

    This can’t be done alone. Schroer understands that combating the left requires getting more conservatives engaged. More conservatives are needed to serve at all levels of government to stop the progressive agenda, including areas like the school board.

    According to Schroer, this change happens when conservatives start maximizing the resources that are available (social media, technology, network, etc.) and revisiting the country’s founding principles and documents that have made our country the greatest on earth.

    However, he knows that the job doesn’t stop once in office. Conservatives need to use their platform to match the intensity of the outspoken left. There is too much at stake to stand idly by and sit on the sidelines.

    We couldn’t agree more.

    Beyond his duties as a legislator, Schroer currently serves as General Counsel for Venture Group Investments. During his time as a lawyer, he has been extremely successful in both corporate and family law. He has even been named as one of the top 40 lawyers under 40 in the Show-Me State.

    When he’s not working, he spends his time traveling, hunting, fishing, or at his farm in Fayette. All of which he does with his wife Kate and their two daughters.

    Nick Schroer is the epitome of what it means to be a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION. He fights for what he believes in, takes action when needed, and is willing to speak up when people are afraid to speak out.

    We learned about Nick Schroer’s accomplishments through the grassroots community. We know that there are others out there like him, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know someone like Nick who’s fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. Want to share their story. Click HERE to nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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