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  • Julie McCarver

    April 22, 2021

    Conservative Champion: Julie McCarver

    This week, the Liberty Alliance Conservative Champion can be found advancing the cause in St. Francois County. Julie McCarver is someone who is consistently engaged in her community and is the epitome of what it means to be a recipient of this accolade.

    After receiving a glowing nomination, we spoke with Julie to learn more about her fight for freedom and what being a Conservative Champion means to her. We hope you enjoy her just as much as we do!

    You were elected as Prosecutor in Farmington. What inspired you to run for office? Was it an issue that you cared about or did someone or something inspire you to enter the public arena?

    In 2017 I decided to run for the position of the City of Farmington, Missouri, City Prosecutor, which was an elected position at the time. I had never run for public office before, although I have been a practicing attorney since 2003. My first election was a contested election with two other opponents, and I was the only female attorney running for the position. I had previously worked as the City Prosecutor for the City of Park Hills, Missouri. I had also worked for the City Prosecutor’s Office for the City of Topeka, Kansas. During those prior positions, I realized that I enjoyed working closely with the police officers in each city, and also that I enjoyed working as a prosecutor as this position allowed me to fight for justice. I feel very strongly that we should support our men and women in blue, as they are often the backbones of our communities and as they often put their lives on the line for our safety.

    Tell us about the groups that you are involved with and the efforts that you have been a part of within those groups?

    I have served on the St. Francois County Mental Health Board, and I am also a founding member of the St. Francois County Conservative Club, which was founded at the beginning of 2019. I have been honored to serve as the St. Francois County Conservative Club secretary since the establishment of our club. In 2018, St. Francois County experienced a red wave and following this our community has been lucky enough to have strong support for our new Conservative Club. In 2020, I also became a charter member of the Eastern Missouri Conservative Club, which serves the St. Francois County and surrounding counties.

    You are clearly someone who is engaged in the community and has helped advance the conservative cause. What led you to join those groups?

    The St. Francois County community is fortunate enough to have multiple strong and involved conservative organizations to promote our conservative values. It has been wonderful to share my conservative values with like-minded people in my community, and to create a new platform for conservative debate during our recent elections. I also have been able to discuss my conservative values with the voters, and the responses I have received from the voters have been overwhelmingly positive.

    For those individuals who are interested in advancing the conservative cause, what advice would you give them? Are there any groups they should join? And if already in those groups, what’s the best way for them to be engaged and actually implement change?

    I would say for those interested in advancing the conservative cause, go out into your community and become involved. Join your local conservative club. Go to the meetings of your Republican Central Committee. Go to the city council meetings in your city, and meet with your local State Representative. Also, consider helping our younger generations in starting conservative youth groups in your area, as it is so important to involve our younger generations in learning about and fighting for our conservative values.

    What issue(s) do you think are the most important at this time for the conservative cause? Why?

    I strongly support our Second Amendment rights, and it is my opinion that this is one of the most important conservative causes currently. In part, this is because it seems like our Second Amendment rights are always under attack, especially in today’s political climate. My husband is a federally licensed firearms dealer. Additionally, as I have personally been the victim of crime, I understand on a very personal level how important it is to fight for our right to protect ourselves and our families.

    How can we overcome those obstacles that are preventing us from advancing those issues?

    I believe that additional education for the public and for our younger generations regarding the importance of the Second Amendment and also regarding firearm safety would help us advance the extremely important issue of defending our Second Amendment rights. Our rights are currently under attack, and will continue to be under attack until we involve our younger generations in this important debate.

    How can conservatives better message their ideas to reach a broader audience?

    Social media is currently a very important platform for reaching a broader audience with regards to promoting our conservative values. In 2018, multiple new social media groups were created in St. Francois County for the purpose of discussing my community’s conservative values, and also for the purpose of discussing important local political and election issues. It was this sudden increase of local political discussion in St. Francois County, which was able to reach a broader audience in St. Francois County. It is unfortunate that certain conservative political voices have been silenced recently on social media, as the ability to have vigorous political discussion is of the utmost importance to promoting our conservative values.


    We learned about Julie McCarver’s accomplishments through the grassroots community. We know that there are others out there like her, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know someone like Julie who’s fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. Want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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