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  • Cecilia Johnson

    April 30, 2021

    Conservative Champion: Cecilia S. Johnson

    On April 28, 2008, Cecilia S. Johnson’s life changed forever. And it happened at a grocery store.

    On this particular day, an ordinary weekly task turned out to be something quite the opposite.

    While waiting to pay for her groceries, she caught the attention of something while standing in line. Cecilia’s eyes gravitated to a magazine that stood out from the rest.

    She had to check it out.

    On the cover was a picture of a black man with a heading that described how the conservative platform could benefit the black community. This was a headline that she didn’t normally see.

    So she decided to give it a read, and to her surprise, she found herself agreeing with this man.

    But the article itself wasn’t enough.

    She wanted to learn more.

    Cecilia then proceeded to embark on a journey of self-discovery. She decided to take ownership of formulating her own political positions.

    Over the next couple of months, Cecilia would immerse herself in deepening her understanding of a plethora of issues. The journey itself brought a tremendous amount of reflection, but ultimately she came to a conclusion that would change the direction of her life.

    Cecilia had decided that she was a conservative. That the right solutions were the RIGHT solutions.

    To this day Cecilia can’t remember the individual on that magazine cover, but to her, that doesn’t diminish the impact that he had on her. His story became the start of one of her own.

    There’s no question that 2008 proved to be a pivotal inflection point in Cecilia’s life. This was validated when she cast her vote for John McCain instead of Barack Obama in the 2008 presidential election.

    However, the story doesn’t end there. In fact, that was just the beginning.

    After casting that vote, Cecilia hit the ground running.

    She decided that she wanted to be part of changing the direction of the conservative cause and advocating for a better Missouri. That meant becoming involved with groups that advocate for the causes she supports.

    So she did. And she started locally.

    Cecilia immediately joined the Kansas City Young Republicans chapter—a group that she would soon preside over. Her experience within the organization brought her opportunities that would give her both a statewide and national presence.

    Cecilia capitalized on these opportunities and they have contributed to an impressive resume.

    Currently, Cecilia is the Vice-Chair of the Missouri Federation of Young Republicans and the Missouri State Director of the Black Conservative Federation. She is a former member of the Black Voices for Trump Advisory Board.

    As Cecilia will tell you, she “found her lane” and is using it to create change. Her primary focus has been in spreading the conservative message to black communities, and she’s been working to accomplish this through her efforts within the aforementioned groups, in addition to putting on community events of her own.

    Cecilia understands that conservatives need to go where their message isn’t being heard. The first step to ensuring this happens is to become present and develop relationships with individuals in those communities. Those relationships are the building blocks for constructive dialogue, she says.

    For the movement as a whole, Cecilia notes conservatives need to become better at tailoring messages to address the needs and issues of differing groups. Discussing what directly applies to each group will lay a solid foundation in establishing rapport with the members.

    Additionally, she believes that conservatives need to do a better job of humanizing themselves when articulating their viewpoints and explain personal experiences that led them to their stances on certain issues.

    She’s doing her part. As an established keynote speaker, Cecilia has been able to tell her story all across the state. And if you haven’t been able to hear her in person (you’re missing out), then you can read about her story in her new book THE LIFE OF THE PARTY: Memoirs of a Hood Conservative.

    Cecilia S. Johnson is a leader and a true believer in the conservative movement. It’s changed her life, and she knows that it can change the lives of others. For this reason, Liberty Alliance is proud to recognize her as a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION.

    We learned about Cecilia S. Johnson’s accomplishments through the grassroots community. We know there are others out there like her, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know someone like Cecilia who’s fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. Want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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