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  • Mike Parson

    September 17, 2021


    After receiving several nominations to be our Conservative Champion, we spoke with Mike Parson this week to learn more about his personal journey and what being a Conservative Champion means to him. We hope you enjoy Mike’s story as much as we did!

    Faith, family values, and a strong work ethic lay the foundation for Missouri’s 57th Governor.

    With every obstacle and challenge, he has never wavered from these core principles, and it has served him well in a life that has included a wide breadth of experience.

    He has served in the military. He has been a small business owner. He has served as Sheriff. He is a farmer. He is a public servant.

    And his story began in Southwest Missouri. In a town with only 356 people.

    During his childhood, Mike Parson was taught to be kind to everyone and be grateful for the opportunities he was given. He learned how to be a good neighbor and understood that the American Dream can be achieved by anyone — it just takes hard work.

    Fully embracing these ideals, Parson entered the workforce at fifteen years old at one of the town’s local gas stations. Through this job, he experienced joy in helping others, which eventually led him to join a cause larger than himself.

    Parson felt compelled to follow the legacy of those who had sacrificed everything for America’s freedoms, and at nineteen years old, he joined the United States Army.

    Parson spent his years of service working in the Criminal Investigation Division and working as a member of the Military Police. He served two tours overseas, and it was during his years of service when he started learning the differences between the two-party platforms.

    Once he returned to Polk County, Parson put his Army skills to work as a Law enforcement officer, soon becoming the county’s Sheriff.

    Then an opportunity came knocking.

    Parson was approached by a gas station owner who wanted to sell his business to an individual that the community could trust. After discussing the idea with his wife Teresa, Parson decided to purchase the station. That one gas station would be the first of many that the Parson family owned.

    After 22 years as Sheriff, Parson felt he could be of service in other ways. As has been the narrative, opportunity found him.

    He was approached to run for public office in the Missouri House of Representatives and then Senate. After serving in both chambers, he was elected as the state’s Lieutenant Governor, and now the Governor.

    Since becoming Governor, Parson’s priority has been to ensure that all Missourians have the opportunity to live the American Dream. As the chief promoter of Missouri, he’s helped make our state one of the country’s best places to live, ranking in the top 10 of opportunity and business site selection.

    People want to move here. Companies want to do business here. And job opportunities are plentiful.

    Parson has also been an ardent champion of school choice measures in our state. By signing legislation that will create educational savings accounts (ESAs), students will have an even greater opportunity to flourish, no longer having to settle for schools in failing systems. Because of Governor Parson, our state’s younger generations now have a fighting chance to achieve their dreams.

    Parson also understands that it is his job to ensure that all Missourians can live freely. He has stood up for the Heartland and protected our state from federal encroachment. His handling of the COVID-19 Pandemic highlights just that.

    He has prioritized local control by letting individuals make decisions themselves. He has implemented measures that have allowed students to go to school safely.

    And most importantly, he implemented no mandates of any kind.

    By keeping Missouri open, he has made our state a leader in crisis management – and the results speak for themselves.

    Since Governor Parson has been at the helm, Missouri is moving forward. That is why Liberty Alliance is proud to recognize him as a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION.

    We learned about Governor Parson’s accomplishments through the grassroots community. We know that there are others out there like him, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know someone like Governor Parson’s who’s fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. Want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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