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  • Mike Kehoe

    August 13, 2021


    The story of Mike Kehoe epitomizes the American Dream.

    And it all started in North St. Louis.

    Coming from humble beginnings, he learned from his mother that anything could be achieved through hard work.

    To help his mom pay the bills and take care of the family, Kehoe got his first job at the age of 15. Dave Sinclair, a local Ford Dealership owner, took a chance on him and offered him a job washing cars.

    He would never regret it.

    Kehoe’s time at the Ford dealership proved to be one of self-discovery. Not only was he laying the groundwork toward a strong business acumen, he also started becoming aware of how government decisions affected businesses.

    Questioning why so much of his earnings were going to taxes, he became curious about what that money was going toward and why people were making those decisions.

    As he was pondering these questions, the country was experiencing a cultural inflection point. It seemed that more and more people were embracing a pro-choice platform. As a pro-life advocate, he ardently disagreed with the direction of the country.

    While he was deepening his Conservative beliefs, Kehoe was achieving great success at the Ford Dealership.

    Sinclair started to give Kehoe more responsibility. He was promoted to a sales role and quickly became one of the dealership’s top salesmen. Kehoe was then promoted to serve in a truck managerial position – becoming the youngest in the country.

    Sinclair started to notice a trend. In every role that Kehoe served in, he excelled. As a result, he believed that Kehoe was ready to run his own dealership. The next one that became available would be Kehoe’s own.

    As Kehoe was waiting for that opportunity, he managed a conversion van company in Linn, Missouri. After growing the company’s revenue and increasing the company’s employees, a Ford Dealership became available in Jefferson City.

    After leaving the company in good hands, Kehoe ventured to the state capitol to become the youngest Ford Dealership owner in the country.

    He made an instant impact in that new role. People started to take notice.

    He was soon recognized with accolades such as the Small Business Association’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year, Time Quality Dealer of the Year, and he was inducted into the Automotive Hall of Fame.

    Kehoe created jobs in town and always took care of his employees and customers. More importantly, people within the community came to trust and rely on him. He would soon contribute to the community in other ways.

    He and his wife Claudia started getting involved with the efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, the Food Pantry, the Heart Association, and the United Way.

    In 2004, Kehoe was approached by Secretary of State Matt Blunt to help with his gubernatorial campaign. Through the experience, they developed a strong relationship and Blunt came to value Kehoe’s contribution.

    Once elected Governor, Blunt needed someone to head the Missouri Department of Transportation (MODOT) Commission. Kehoe became the clear choice to assume that role.

    Kehoe was then approached to run for the 6th District’s open Senate seat. Many believed that his experience as a job creator would bring a valued perspective to the legislature. He answered their call.

    He would go on to win, become the upper chamber’s Majority Floor Leader, and become a Statesman of the Year recipient.

    Then, Kehoe was called to serve in an even greater capacity. In 2018 he became Lieutenant Governor.

    Kehoe has already excelled in a variety of areas in the three years that he’s been Lieutenant Governor. Some of his contributions include addressing the needs of veterans and senior citizens. He has also been a tireless promoter of our state’s businesses.

    By working with the VFW and the state legislature, he has made Missouri one of the most veteran-friendly states. Through the Meals on Wheels program, he has worked to provide resources for the senior community. And through the Buy MO initiative, he has encouraged small business growth and engagement.

    Kehoe will be the first to tell you that going into politics was never his plan. He just tried to do the best he could to serve those around him. He has delivered time and time again.

    As a self-made man, Kehoe provides an example for all of us to follow. When individuals work hard, stay hopeful, and approach noble efforts with a relentless pursuit, anything is possible.

    His story is the American story, which is why we are proud to name Lieutenant Governor Mike Kehoe as a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION.

    We learned about Mike Kehoe’s powerful story and conservative feats through the grassroots community. We know that there are others out there like him, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help. Know someone like Mike Kehoe who is fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. We want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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