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  • Foreign Interference RUNS DEEP

    February 29, 2024

    We’ve been beating the drum against the foreign nationals who abuse Missouri’s initiative petition process to enact their Radical agenda.

    We’ve traced funds from Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss to the Liberal lunatics at Freedom Inc. in Kansas City. 

    Of course, the problem runs so much deeper. 

    Perhaps the most egregious example of Liberal initiative petition abuse was the so-called “Clean Missouri” amendment passed in 2018.

    This amendment used a classic bait-and-switch strategy, highlighting anti-corruption initiatives while concealing provisions that would put the redistricting process under the control of the state auditor, then the only remaining Liberal statewide elected official.

    That meant that Liberals would decide ALL LEGISLATIVE MAPS even after losing elections.

    After this scheme was publicized, Conservative Missourians repealed this nonsense by passing Amendment 3 in 2020

    Clean Missouri fought tooth and nail to maintain control, and they did it with foreign funding.
    We’ve covered the two $9.5 million grants from the Wyss Foundation to the New Venture Fund.

    In 2020, the New Venture Fund gave $11,171,248 to the North Fund, which happens to be run by the same for-profit consultancy Arabella Advisors. In 2021, they added another $12,870,870.

    From their coffers, the North Fund gave $1 million to Clean Missouri to maintain Liberal control of the Missouri constitution.

    Missouri should not allow this to happen. 

    Senators recently stripped protections against foreign funding of ballot measures from a proposed amendment to be put before the voters of this state.

    When the House considers this resolution, they should add protections against foreign interference before there’s no Missouri constitution left to save. 

    Let your house member know that the constitution should be safe from Liberal foreign billionaires.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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