• Liberty Alliance Exists to Fight for Conservative Values Wherever They are Under Attack Donate

  • Five Years of Standing Up to Socialism

    July 11, 2024

    Today marks the 5th Anniversary of our founding here at Liberty Alliance USA. 

    It’s been a wild ride – and none of it would have been possible without YOU.

    In the past five years, because of the support of grassroots conservative advocates, we’ve STOOD UP against the SOCIALIST Left in Missouri.

    With your help, we’ve highlighted the Conservative Champions who are leading our state. 

    We’ve BACKED THE BLUE at every opportunity. 

    We EXPOSED Liberal State Auditor Nicole Galloway.

    When Radical Mayor Quinton Lucas tried to defund the police, we STOPPED HIM.

    With your tips, we published the Woke Heat Map and exposed the NONSENSE in Missouri schools.

    Together we’ve led the charge in Jefferson City, securing victories for education freedom and election integrity.

    That doesn’t even scratch the surface on the ways we’ve drove the Left crazy.

    We caught lying Lucas Kunce red-handed for failing to disclose his financial assets.

    We published video of RIGGED-choice voting advocates instructing volunteers to lie to conservatives.

    We tracked the Left-wing foreign funding of the fake news Missouri “Independent.”

    We’re not stopping.

    Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

    We couldn’t do it without you.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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