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  • Susie Moore

    March 9, 2023


    Susie Moore wasn’t always conservative. In fact, she grew up completely the opposite.

    Susie was raised in a home where current events were always discussed. Her family just didn’t view issues through a conservative lens.

    Her liberal beliefs followed her to college, where she graduated with a political science degree from the University of Missouri. She would go on to receive a law degree from Northwestern. Upon graduation, she returned to her home in St. Louis to practice law.

    That’s when things started to change.

    Her political beliefs started to evolve at the turn of the century. Like many Americans, Susie’s perception of the world shattered with 9/11. She began to reconsider how she thought about issues domestically and abroad.

    As a result, her liberal values quickly dissipated, and it wasn’t long before she became a passionate conservative.

    As her values changed, her political interests heightened. Her resurgent interest led her to engage in grassroots efforts online. That’s where she learned about a Smart Girl Politics convention that was happening in town. She decided that this was something she needed to attend.

    The convention proved to be a critical inflection point in Susie’s life. The connections she made there would become fruitful in the years to follow.

    One of those connections was FTR Radio- a conservative media outlet. By building relationships with the staff of FTR, she became a frequent guest of the network. Soon she had the opportunity to host a show of her own.

    At the convention she also connected with another conservative media outlet called RedState -a subsidiary of Townhall media. She quickly became a subscriber and an avid reader of its content.

    Her interest in RedState’s success compelled her to provide commentary and advice when she felt it was needed. The staff greatly valued her opinions, so it wasn’t surprising when they asked her to work for them.

    Despite simultaneously practicing law, she quickly rose through the ranks at RedState and was eventually offered a job as the publication’s Deputy Managing Editor. She accepted, and decided to focus all of her time on RedState’s success.

    RedState has never been better. Since she’s joined the editorial team, the publication has flourished. Her success with RedState opened other doors for her as well, most notably in radio. Her voice has become very familiar in St. Louis as she has become one of NewsTalkSTL’s most frequent and popular contributors.

    One would be hard-pressed to find a more effective communicator than Susie Moore for the conservative cause. She’s become very influential across a variety of platforms.

    That won’t be changing anytime soon.

    She has proven that she is someone that Missourians and the American people can count on to defend our country’s values, which is why we are proud to recognize her as a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION.

    We know that there are other Champions like Susie Moore out there, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know a strong Conservative like Susie Moore? We want to know about them. We want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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