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  • Conservative Champion: Brandy Meeks

    July 23, 2024

    “It’s so easy to just go with the flow of what the world around us tells us is permissible to believe and discuss openly,” Brandy Meeks said. “I’m here as a strong, conservative woman to rock the boat.”

    Now the President of the pro-life Vitae Foundation, Brandy’s passion is obvious to everyone she meets. 

    Growing up in St. Joseph Missouri, she thought she wanted to go into medical missions. 

    After attending a few biology classes and realizing she could not even dissect frogs, she realized that that was not the path that she was destined to take. 

    Although she grew up with a strong faith foundation and pro-life values, it was volunteering at a pregnancy resource center that started her on this journey.

    To Brandy Meeks, life is a human rights issue.

    “No one’s life should be deemed less valuable because of their size, location, ethnicity, ability, or any other reason.”

    Brandy and her colleagues at Vitae Foundation recognize that we can never regulate abortion out of people’s hearts. We have to love people enough to tell them the truth and empower women to know they are strong enough to embrace motherhood.

    While many pro-life groups focus on education only, Vitae’s secret is persuasion, creating cognitive dissonance in people’s minds regarding abortion. When cognitive dissonance occurs, people have to decide how to reconcile the dissonance; will they change how they think or feel about an issue or change their actions? Our hope is they will change their actions.

    “So many people will say, ‘I wouldn’t choose abortion for myself, but I don’t want to make that decision for someone else’,” Brandy shares. “Well, if the constitutional amendment to codify abortion into our state constitution is successful, you will potentially be funding that decision for that someone else with your state tax dollars. You have to ask yourself, if you’re okay with helping fund the efforts to end the life of another human being. I’m not. That’s just not the side of history I want to be on.”

    In her advocacy, she’s also setting an example for her children. She wants her daughter to know that she can be a strong woman with strong values. She wants her sons to know they also have a voice on this issue and to not let the culture push them to cower in silence. 

    “Men are naturally wired to be our protectors, and as a strong woman, I have zero qualms with emphasizing that. Men, we need you to not shy away from filling that role,” she shares. 

    As Missouri prepares to vote on what would be the most extreme pro-abortion constitutional amendment in the country, Vitae Foundation will continue its work to change the culture through preemptive education.

    “We have to speak up,” she said. “Because I don’t know if you notice but pro-abortion advocates never stop talking about abortion, and we need to regularly speak the truth with compassion to win this culture war.”

    We know that there are other Champions like Brandy Meeks out there, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know a strong Conservative like Brandy Meeks? We want to know about them. We want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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