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  • Attorney General Eric Schmitt

    April 22, 2022

    Our country is at a critical inflection point.

    In many ways, we are living under the government that our Founding Fathers warned us about. 

    To correct this, our country needs Conservative fighters who are willing to fight for our liberties. Luckily for us, we have many individuals across Missouri who are ready to meet this challenge

    Last year, we launched the Conservative Champions series – a series dedicated to recognizing individuals that have been standing up for Conservative principles. Many were deserving, and fourteen were recognized. 

    And this year, there’s more!

    We are proud to launch this year’s round of Champions by highlighting the efforts of one of Missouri’s fiercest fighters: Attorney General Eric Schmitt.

    Throughout his public service to our state, Eric Schmitt has proven that he is a conservative leader we can consistently rely upon.

    During his eight years in the State Senate, Eric Schmitt was one of the most ardent conservative legislators, with ratings from conservative organizations that rank among the highest during his service. He continued his conservative leadership as Missouri’s Treasurer. Now, as Attorney General, he is delivering positive conservative change to our state and country.

    As Missouri’s chief legal officer, Eric Schmitt is pushing back against big government schemes and the Left’s attempts to remake our country in the image of socialism, and we are proud to showcase the work that he has done.

    It’s not a secret that the “woke” agenda has worked itself into schools everywhere.  If left unchecked, this radical indoctrination of our country’s youth will lead to severe consequences. 

    Fortunately, Eric Schmitt is willing to fight back as AG to stop this from happening in Missouri.  He has worked relentlessly to expose critical race theory in Missouri classrooms and bring transparency to parents about their children’s education – taking legal action when necessary. 

    He understands that the Left is trying to change the country by turning children against one another, reframing history through the flawed and divisive lens of CRT. 

    That won’t be happening under his watch.

    Eric Schmitt also understands that Missourians have the freedom to make their own decisions.  When that freedom has been threatened, he has taken action.

    We have seen how schools and governmental bodies have exploited the COVID-19 pandemic to implement unconstitutional mandates.

    Like you, we know how dangerous this is. And so does Eric Schmitt.

    He understands that if mandates are left unchallenged, then they can create a slippery slope that can erode our liberties.

    He’s filed lawsuits against school districts and city councils all across the state that have imposed these radical mandates and it’s working.

    People are waking up and tyranny is backing down. Eric Schmitt’s efforts have been vital in protecting Missouri’s way of life.

    His work has also been recognized all across the country. Why? Because he’s been willing to take a stand while others have stood idly by. 

    For example, he has taken a strong stance against China. In fact, he was the first Attorney General in the United States to hold China accountable for its role in the COVID-19 pandemic.

    Eric Schmitt’s leadership is already helping stop federal overreach. By winning two cases before the Supreme Court of the United States, Eric Schmitt put an end to the private employer vaccine mandates and forced the Biden administration to restart President Donald Trump’s successful Remain in Mexico immigration protocol.

    As a result of his leadership, the state of Missouri has led numerous nationwide coalitions against decisions of the Biden administration. These include coalitions that were formed in response to Biden’s handling of the border crisis and his decision to halt the construction of the Keystone Pipeline.

    Eric Schmitt has proven that he is someone that Missourians and the American people can count on to fight for them, which is why we are proud to recognize him as a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION.

    We know that there are other Champions like Eric Schmitt out there, but we can’t find them by ourselves. We need YOUR help.

    Know someone like Attorney General Eric Schmitt who’s fighting for a better Missouri? We want to know about them. We want to share their story. Nominate a CONSERVATIVE CHAMPION today!

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