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  • Reform the Courts

    May 28, 2024

    No Conservative victory is safe until we reform the courts.

    In 2022, Missourians voted overwhelmingly to bar Kansas City from defunding its police force. 

    Unelected, unaccountable judges then THREW OUT the election.

    Liberal judges tipped the scales towards the abortion industry at every turn. 

    Why does Missouri have so many judges whose views do not reflect the will of the people? 

    Look no further than the so-called “Missouri Plan.”

    Created in 1930 to combat the influence of Corrupt politicians in Kansas City and St. Louis, the “Missouri” Plan established the Appellate Judicial Commission.

    Here’s the problem – the trial lawyers have figured out how to game the system. 

    Trial lawyers, through the woke bar associations, pick three lawyers to serve on the Commission.

    The Governor picks three citizens.

    A judge, picked by this same process, has the tie-breaking vote. 

    These panels then select three candidates from whom the Governor can fill a vacancy.

    The trial lawyers and their allies on the bench totally control the process.

    Instead of removing politics from the judicial selection process, the “Missouri” Plan ensures that the only politics in play are those of Liberal trial lawyers.

    If we want courts that reflect the values of the people of Missouri, they should be selected by the people of Missouri.

    Direct partisan election of judges at the appellate and supreme court levels is the only way forward. 

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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