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  • California Judges Legalized Noncitizen Voting

    May 9, 2024

    Only US citizens should vote in US elections. 

    That sounds like a statement everyone could agree on.

    Unfortunately, Liberals don’t see it that way. 

    As SJR 78, the resolution to BAN noncitizen and ranked-choice voting nears passage in the House, it’s important to look at WHY we need to make this change.

    In 2016, voters in San Francisco approved Proposition N, allowing noncitizens with children in San Francisco schools to vote in school board elections. 

    In 2022, citizens sued.

    In that case, Lacy v. City and County of San Francisco, the California Appeals Court found that “neither the plain language of the Constitution nor its history prohibits legislation expanding the electorate to noncitizens.”

    What was the language at issue? 

    The California Constitution reads “A United States citizen 18 years of age and resident in this State may vote.”

    Missouri’s State Constitution provides that “All Citizens of the United States…are entitled to vote at all elections by the people.

    Under this rubric, Missouri may not deny the right to vote to a citizen of the United States, but cities may expand the right to vote to noncitizens.

    Missouri Courts are run by unelected and unaccountable Liberal judges. 

    Given the chance, they will gladly take the opportunity to affirm the Radical legal theories of California judges. 

    That’s what happened in Maryland and Vermont. Litigation is ongoing in Washington, D.C. and New York City

    We can stop this.

    SJR 78 would make a simple change to the constitution, swapping “All Citizens” for “Only Citizens,” thereby making clear that noncitizen voting is not welcome in our state.

    We call on the House to take immediate action and look forward to presenting this resolution to the voters in November.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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