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  • Foreign Nationals Fund Fake News

    April 18, 2024

    United States Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm had to testify in front of a Senate committee earlier this week.

    Spoiler: it didn’t go well for her.

    Senator Josh Hawley exposed her for trading stock in the same companies she regulates.

    But Secretary Granholm’s corruption gets worse.

    She also attended conferences funded by foreign billionaires like Hansjorg Wyss.

    Hansjorg Wyss is the Swiss national funding Left-wing initiative petitions in Missouri.

    Wyss funneled almost $100 million into state ballot measures, through the dark-money 1630 Fund, according to a new report from Americans for Public Trust.

    More from the report

    As these groups use their foreign funds to push Left-wing petitions, one “news” outlet has made favorable coverage a priority. 

    Why? Wyss-funded organizations are also behind the Missouri “Independent.” 

    Foreign nationals are corrupting our government, from cabinet secretaries, to state ballot measures, to FAKE NEWS outlets creating FAKE SCANDALS to push their agenda.

    We commend Senator Hawley for calling out Secretary Granholm on her foreign entanglements.

    We support Senator Hagerty’s legislation to END foreign funding in our elections.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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