• Liberty Alliance Exists to Fight for Conservative Values Wherever They are Under Attack Donate


    Shaping Missouri’s Future

    Liberty Alliance was formed by a group of concerned citizens in order to give Missourians a place to stand together to promote Conservative principles and bring about positive reforms for our state. We are committed to fighting the reckless embrace of Socialism in Missouri and believe that true Conservatism is fundamental to ensuring opportunity for the next generation of our state. Our goal is to bring people together under a shared cause to help shape the future of Missouri for decades to come.

    Protecting Our Values

    We exist to provide a place for Conservatives and common sense Missourians to protect the values that make Missouri great. Well-funded progressive groups from the coasts are pouring money into the state to help expand Socialism in our healthcare market, raise taxes, and promote the Green New Deal. Some politicians are only fighting half-heartedly to protect our Conservative principles, focusing more on keeping their jobs than protecting our values.

    Bringing Positive Reforms

    Our goal is to build a grassroots movement of individuals committed to protecting the ideals and values that Missourians have held for centuries, and to expose the very real threat of Socialism.


    Executive Director

    Spencer Bone serves as the Executive Director of Liberty Alliance. He started his political career as an intern for the Missouri Republican Party. A year later, Bone paused his studies at the University of Arkansas to return to his home in Jefferson City to help defend Missouri’s Conservative Supermajority. He served as the Mid-Missouri Regional Field Director for the Missouri Republican Party for the 2018 cycle. As part of the RNC’s field team, he gained valuable grassroots experience and an understanding of Missouri’s political landscape. During the 2020 election cycle, Bone served as Grassroots Director for the Missouri Republican Party. Most recently, Bone joined Liberty Alliance as their Director of Operations in order to continue his work in advancing conservative principles before taking on the role of Executive Director.

    Bone graduated with Honors from the University of Arkansas and has degrees in both marketing and economics.

    “Liberty Alliance is dedicated to providing unwavering support for the principles
    that our country was founded on – regardless of who is in power.”

    – Spencer Bone

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