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  • VICTORY: Ranked-Choice and Noncitizen Voting Ban Passes

    May 17, 2024

    SJR 78 passed the House!

    The resolution to ban ranked-choice and noncitizen voting heads to the voters in November.

    Thank you.

    This victory would not have been possible without the tireless work of grassroots Conservatives.

    Missouri has been targeted FOR YEARS by Left-wing billionaires who want to change the rules and rig our elections in their favor.

    In 2022, grassroots Conservatives prevented a Liberal front group from gathering the necessary signatures for a referendum, despite a $6.8 million investment from the Arnold Family.

    The Radical Left tried again, this time renaming their scheme “Freedom Voting,” only to be exposed for lying to Conservatives.

    Throughout this time, grassroots leaders like yourselves have done the legwork – educating friends and family, speaking at local meetings, and letting people know the truth about RIGGED-choice voting.

    We are incredibly grateful to our partners. 

    Bill sponsor Senator Ben Brown did herculean work behind the scenes to make this happen.

    Rep. Ben Baker led the charge in the House. 

    Speaker Plocher made the issue a priority and was willing to lay egos aside to make this happen.

    Heritage Action for America, Election Transparency Initiative, Honest Elections Project, Stop RCV Coalition, and the Association of Mature American Citizens were indispensable parts of this win.

    Who would’ve thought a few years ago that we’d even need to ban noncitizen voting?

    Americans for Citizen Voting have led the charge on this issue and we’re glad to be involved in the fight.

    This measure will appear on the November ballot.

    Let’s get this done!

    Thank you and God bless you all,

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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