Top Ten Legislative Enemies of Law Enforcement
In a time where publicly scrutinizing law enforcement and our criminal justice system has become the norm, Missouri state representatives have made their unwillingness to cooperate for the safety of the community and its law enforcement officers apparent. When Liberal politicians refuse to lock up dangerous criminals, it leaves law enforcement overworked and citizens in danger. Here are the top ten worst Missouri lawmakers in regards to their treatment of law enforcement:
10. Representative Gina Mitten

Outrageous Stance: Representative Mitten shared an anti-police photo on Twitter of vandalism to public property that condemned law enforcement.
Voting Record: Mitten opposed legislation that specified voluntary manslaughter of a law enforcement officer as a Class A felony. She also voted against allowing criminals to be charged with both conspiracy to commit offenses and their actual crimes, preventing the prosecution of dangerous criminals.
9. Representative Crystal Quade

Outrageous Stance: Representative Quade shared a Tweet encouraging divesting in policing and criticized locking up criminals convicted of second-degree murder.
Voting Record: Quade opposed legislation that would have classified involuntary manslaughter and property damage of the second degree against a law enforcement officer as a Class D felony. She even voted against a bill that would have increased sentences for those convicted of armed criminal action, endangering innocent civilians.
8. Representative Peter Merideth

Outrageous Stance: The Representative publicly took a pledge stating he is committed to prohibiting police officers from wearing protective equipment on duty. He also wants to make it easier to sue police officers for doing their jobs.
Voting Record: Meredith prevented stricter penalties for property damage and trespassing against law enforcement officers. He also opposed a bill that forbids an opportunity of probation for those convicted of heinous crimes like second-degree murder, causing serious injury to another person, and felonies with deadly weapons. This legislation could have kept criminals behind bars and protected Missourians.
7. Representative Lakeysha Bosley

Outrageous Stance: The legislator shared a Tweet attacking police who were keeping people and businesses safe as the ones who were “unleash[ing] violence and horror.” She blamed police for disruptions, instead of the guilty parties – violent protestors.
Voting Record: Bosley voted against stronger repercussions for gang-related crimes committed near schools, putting children at risk of gang violence.
6. Representative Kevin Windham

Outrageous Stance: Windham wrote, “Is this a good time to start making a solid distinction between criminal justice reform and police reform?” via Twitter.
Voting Record: Windham voted against legislation that would have more effectively prosecuted gang members and prevented gang violence.
5. Representative Trish Gunby

Outrageous Stance: Representative Gunby compared modern-day police officers to historical slave hunters on Facebook.
Voting Record: Trish Gunby voted against charging convicts who unlawfully possessed firearms with Class-C felony, which is a heavier punishment and carries more potential time in prison than the traditional Class-D felony. Unlawful firearm possession is dangerous and leads to more violent crime. Gunby also voted on legislation that would keep the St. Louis Police Department at a major officer deficit, which hurts their ability to properly protect the city and its residents.
4. Representative Sarah Unsicker

Outrageous Stance: The St. Louis Rep. shared a Tweet which claimed that burning down police stations and stores does not destroy communities.
Voting Record: Sarah Unsicker voted to prevent criminals who commit crimes with deadly weapons from serving longer, more appropriate prison time.
3. Representative Greg Razer

Outrageous Stance: Razer recently shared a Tweet which claimed that defunding the police is not a radical idea.
Voting Record: Razer voted against Missouri criminals receiving a heavier punishment for vehicle hijacking, an issue that is rampant in areas of St. Louis and St. Louis County. It was presented to give law enforcement more power to prosecute these criminals. Also, Razer voted against a bill that would be used to recruit more talent to the St. Louis-area police department by removing burdensome residency requirements that police were strongly in favor of removing.
2. Representative Deb Lavender

Outrageous Stance: The Representative shared a Tweet implying that a good cop is “mythical,” or doesn’t exist.
Voting Record: Lavender shockingly voted against legislation that would increase penalties for assaulting law enforcement officers, which protects police and helps prosecute their attackers. She even voted against a bill that would mandate charging multiple participants involved in planning a crime, preventing both parties from being held responsible and allowing dangerous individuals to remain in the public. Additionally, Lavender opposed legislation that would allow law enforcement officers to use deadly force when a dangerous criminal flees the scene of a heinous crime.
1. Representative Raychel Proudie

Outrageous Stance: While addressing an angry mob of protestors, Proudie encouraged the crowd to raid the Governor’s Mansion and “tear that shit up,” via a video posted to Twitter.
Voting Record: The St. Louis Police Department is understaffed by an estimated 138 officers, yet Proudie voted against a measure to help bolster recruitment. Additionally, she voted against the expansion of penalties for convicted felons in Missouri.