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  • The Left Wants Foreign Citizens to Vote

    April 16, 2024

    Most people assume that voting in the United States is limited to US CITIZENS. 

    They’re wrong.

    Federal law requires citizenship to vote, but that law does not apply to state and local elections.

    In Maryland and California, cities have taken it upon themselves to allow foreign citizens to vote in local elections

    San Francisco has gone so far as to allow ILLEGAL ALIENS to vote and appointed a foreign citizen to serve on its election board.

    New York City and Washington, D.C. are currently involved in litigation over their own noncitizen voting schemes.

    It’s clear what the Left’s intentions are.

    The Biden administration has let in more illegal immigrants than the population of 36 states.

    Quinton Lucas and the Radical Kansas City Council are providing photo ID cards to noncitizens.

    Missouri is among the many states with a constitution that protects the voting rights of “all citizens” without expressly reserving them to ONLY citizens.

    The fix is easy. 

    Pass SJR 78 and make clear that Missouri elections are for citizens ONLY.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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