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  • The Left Is An Absolute Clownshow!

    October 31, 2023

    Today on Halloween, we want to highlight a few ways Leftists act like clowns every day!

    1. Holding school lunches hostage.

    The Biden Department of Agriculture recently issued guidance saying that schools should adopt Left-wing bathroom policies if they want to keep federal funding for free and reduced-cost lunches.

    Thankfully Missouri Attorney General Andrew Bailey stood up to put a stop to this nonsense!



    2. Supporting terrorists.

    Last week, Conservatives passed a resolution “Standing with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas and other terrorists.”Radical Leftist Cori Bush was one of only ten votes against the resolution!




    3. Mocking Christians.

    When Rep. Mike Johnson was elevated to Speaker, the Left showed their true colors.

    They mocked his Faith, his marriage, and his adopted son.

    Josh Hawley gets it right:

    “It tells you a lot, that the liberals think if you want to bow your head in prayer on the floor of the House, that you’re a threat to democracy. But if you want to march around America’s college campuses and call for the destruction of Jews, that’s all perfectly fine. I mean, somebody’s got their priorities seriously messed up here.”




    This Halloween, remember that the Left is a clownshow!

    Conservative grassroots are gearing up for victories this year. The Left should be scared of us!
    Spencer Bone
    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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