The Last BUT NOT LEAST Bills on our Wishlist

Here are the last three bills that have been introduced by Conservative leaders as part of our 12 Days of Liberty Alliance series.
This batch highlights critical steps that will move our state forward. They may be the last bills we’re featuring, but they’re certainly not the least of our priorities.

Senate Bill 781
RIGHT TO WORK. This legislation allows counties to pass their own Right to Work laws. Missourians shouldn’t be forced to join and pay dues to a private organization as a condition of employment. Unions turn around and spend these required dues on Left-wing political speech. Missouri is less competitive than its neighbors who protect the Right to Work and we should rectify that this session.
– Sponsored by Senator Jason Bean
See More HERE

House Bill 1961
CUT REGULATION. Our state government is TOO BIG and over the years it’s collected TOO MANY REGULATIONS. This act would require state agencies to cut two regulations for every new one added. This requirement would clear the books while unleashing Missouri business. It’s common sense and the legislature should pass it.
– Sponsored by Representative Alex Riley
See More HERE

Senate Joint Resolution 60
COURT REFORM. Missouri courts are dominated by unelected and unaccountable judges who inject their Left-wing politics into their decisions and trample the separation of powers. This resolution would make much-needed reforms to ensure that our courts are responsive to the people and free from corruption. It should be passed.
– Sponsored by Senator Rick Brattin
See More HERE
These last three bills round out our 12 Days of Liberty Alliance series. While it may not be an exhaustive list, these are some real steps that the legislature can take to protect our rights, grow our economy, and stop the spread of socialism in our state.
We hope you enjoyed reading about these bills as much as we enjoyed presenting them!
Have a Merry Christmas!
Spencer Bone
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA