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  • The 12 Days of Liberty Alliance!

    December 14, 2022

    I hope that you are ready to have a very Merry Christmas! 

    It’s time for our annual series highlighting Conservative bills that have been filed as part of our 12 Days of Liberty Alliance. We want our top Conservative activists like you informed about what’s going on in Jefferson City. 

    Here are the first three bills we’ve highlighted to support!

    House Bill 269 

    LESS GOVERNMENT REGULATION. This bill will eliminate two regulations for every new regulation that’s created. We can all agree that there’s too much red tape in government. It seems like more and more rules get added to the bureaucratic funnel each year. Fortunately for us, this piece of legislation has been filed to put an end to this repetitive cycle. The time for government waste and excess is coming to an end! 

    – Sponsored by Representative Alex Riley

    House Bill 243 

    EXPAND SCHOOL CHOICE. This year, the Missouri Empowerment Scholarship Accounts (MOScholars) program officially launched. It’s already made a massive impact. Because of this program, families all across the Show Me State have been able to escape failing government-run schools. It’s clear that this program is working, which is why the time to expand this program is now. This bill will expand the geographic regions that are eligible for the program. 

    – Sponsored by Representative Josh Hurlbert

    Senate Bill 31 

    BACK THE BLUE. Police officers put their lives on the line, but they are being crushed by taxes. This bill gives a tax deduction to members of our State Highway Patrol, which allows them to keep more of their take home pay. We know we can never quantify the value that the men and women in blue contribute to our communities, but this can help! 

    – Sponsored by Senator Tony Luetkemeyer

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