TAKE ACTION: Back The Blue
If it wasn’t for your advocacy, Detective Eric DeValkenaere’s case never would’ve become an issue in the Missouri Governor’s race.
Now, Governor-elect Mike Kehoe has promised to bring Eric home and it’s driving the Liberal media NUTS.
They can’t help but spread lies about the case, about Eric, and about justice in the state of Missouri.
Eric DeValkenaere stared down an armed violent felon and made a split-second decision to protect the life of his partner.
Radical Liberal Prosecutor Jean Peters-Baker thought that this was her chance to get her name in the paper while Black Lives Matter protesters burned our country.
It is long past time to right this wrong.
Governor-elect Kehoe needs to hear from you.
Let him know that the Liberal media doesn’t speak for us.
Missouri backs the blue.
Spencer Bone
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA