• Liberty Alliance Exists to Fight for Conservative Values Wherever They are Under Attack Donate

  • Stop the Liberal takeover of our elections!

    April 17, 2023

    Ranked-choice voting was so unpopular that it failed to get on the ballot. 

    Now the Left is trying to circumvent the will of the people through a slick Liberal scheme called “approval voting.” 

    Why is the left doing this? Because their messaging has been rejected by Missourians time and time again. 

    With approval voting, voters can vote for as many candidates in each race as they want. If there are five people running for office and you like them all, you can vote for all five. This confusing system goes against the American principle of one person one vote

    Just like RCV, approval voting: 

    • Makes voting harder and more confusing. 
    • Makes elections more complicated. 
    • May make it easier to conceal fraud and overlook mistakes. 
    • May require new and potentially expensive voting equipment and costly public education campaigns. 


    Stopping approval voting is going to take all of us, which is why we are calling on YOU to take action.

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