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  • Rush Limbaugh, gone but never forgotten

    February 17, 2021

    Rush Limbaugh passed away one year ago today. We know how much he meant to all of us, so we wanted to pay a special tribute to an American Patriot and fellow Missourian.

    An influencer for the ages, Rush was an innovator of thought, a titan for the Conservative cause, and one of the toughest fighters that this country has ever seen. His story is one that all Americans can look to for guidance. It is one that epitomizes the American Dream. His story teaches an important lesson to all of us; that there is no limit to what we can become when we take on challenges and tasks with great conviction.

    With roots in Southeast Missouri, Rush Limbaugh’s influence and voice could be felt everywhere. Rush’s legacy lives on through us because his example inspired many of us. He encouraged us to participate in public debate, take on tough issues, and stand firm in our beliefs.  

    Thank you for taking part in recognizing someone who has been a critical part of the Conservative movement in Missouri and across our nation.

    Our thoughts and prayers are with the Limbaugh family.

    The Team at Liberty Alliance

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