NOW: The 12 Days of Liberty Alliance!

It’s time for the 12 Days of Liberty Alliance, our annual series highlighting THE BEST Conservative bills filed in Jefferson City.
This year we’re starting STRONG with three of the most IMPORTANT legislative priorities for 2025.

House Joint Resolution 1
INCOME TAX ELIMINATION. This resolution puts Missouri on the path to ZERO state income tax. Consistent cuts based on revenue targets mean more money in your pocket and more investment in Missouri.
– Sponsored by Representative Bishop Davidson

Senate Joint Resolution 3
COURT REFORM. Missouri Courts are totally BROKEN. No Conservative victory is safe until Judges are accountable to the people, not the legal and political elites allowed to stack the bench with their Liberal cronies. Direct elections are the only way forward.
– Sponsored by Senator Cindy O’Laughlin

Senate Bill 152
FOREIGN FUNDING BAN. Of the $23 million spent by foreign nationals on Liberal ballot measure campaigns in 2024, $8 million was spent in Missouri. Foreign nationals are not allowed to donate to candidates and shouldn’t be able to donate to ballot measures either.
– Sponsored by Senator Ben Brown
Keep an eye out for the next three bills in our series coming to your inbox very soon.
Our victories depend on Conservatives staying informed.
Together we’re going to make this a session to remember.