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  • MOScholars Expansion Moves Forward

    April 2, 2024

    School choice is expanding all across the country.

    Missouri’s tax credit scholarship program MOScholars is wildly popular, growing almost 10% last year.

    Today, the House Special Committee on Education Reform voted SB 727 ‘do pass’ in Executive Session.

    Now the bill will head to a vote of the full House.

    Parents have a God-given right to be in control of their student’s education. 

    They should be able to choose to send their children to a school that meets their needs, regardless of where they live or how much money they make.

    While Conservative neighbors Iowa and Arkansas have moved to Universal School Choice systems, Liberal Illinois dismantled their program.

    Missouri has a HUGE opportunity to move the ball forward, expanding MOScholars to EVERY COUNTY in the state, increasing the total amount of scholarships available, and expanding Charter School access.

    Tell the Speaker of the House that you SUPPORT SB 727.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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