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  • Missouri Independent = FAKE NEWS

    December 9, 2021

    Did you hear the latest from the Missouri Independent

    You know, the paper that was created with help from George Soros to spread FAKE NEWS in Missouri?

    Not ringing a bell? That’s understandable. We know you don’t read that kind of garbage.

    Regardless, we wanted to keep you updated on the latest from that Liberal outlet.

    Rudi Keller, one of the Independent’s journalists, recently wrote an article claiming that mask mandates work.

    There’s just one MASSIVE problem with his reporting. IT’S NOT TRUE.

    He WITHHELD pivotal information in order to attack Governor Parson and score cheap political points.

    Keller made this claim by only showing the portions of communication from health officials that fit the narrative that he and the Independent were trying to create.

    However, the full communication from those health officials tells a completely different story. 

    According to these same health officials, there are multiple variables that could explain changes in the infection rate and that mask mandates alone can’t be determined as the sole reason for those changes.

    But Keller failed to disclose that information!

    This is the epitome of irresponsible journalism, and it can’t go unchecked.

    The Missouri Independent is CLEARLY a news outlet that CAN’T BE trusted.

    Read more HERE.

    Learn all about Rudi Keller and the Missouri Independent’s FakeNews propaganda operation HERE.

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