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  • Liberal LIES About Lakewood Shooting

    February 14, 2024

    You may have seen news reports about the shooting at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church in Houston this weekend.

    As usual, the Liberal media has decided the shooting is the result of Texas gun laws.

    The truth is, this NUTJOB was stopped by good guys with guns, namely two off-duty police officers who happened to be in attendance.

    But the Liberal manipulation only gets worse.

    Here’s what they DON’T want you to know.

    The shooter was transgender.

    The shooter used a weapon with a “Free Palestine” sticker on it.

    The shooter was a Salvadoran immigrant previously detained by ICE.

    Despite that, the shooter had a VOTING RECORD FROM 2020.

    The shooter was a Bernie Sanders supporter.

    The Liberal media doesn’t want you to know these facts because they don’t fit their narrative.

    The truth is:

    Guns save lives.

    Open borders create chaos.

    Terrorist supporters commit terrorism.

    Left-wing transgender radicals are targeting Christians.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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