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  • Legislators GONE WILD for Spring Break

    March 19, 2024

    It’s spring break in the Missouri legislature. 

    Let’s check in on our priorities: 

    School Choice Expansion

    Sen. Andrew Koenig’s SB 727 passed out of the Senate and heads to the House.

    After heated negotiation, the Senate agreed to a version of this bill that expands the MOScholars tax credit scholarship program to every county in the state, raises the amount of scholarships available by 50%, and extends charter school access to Boone County.

    This bill is a ‘big step in the right direction’ and gets us closer to universal school choice. 

    The House should send this bill to the Governor’s desk without delay.

    Stop RIGGED-Choice Voting

    Sen. Ben Brown’s SJR 78 would ban ranked-choice voting and ban voting by noncitizens. This resolution was voted out of committee and sits on the Senate’s formal calendar. 

    Ranked-choice voting is a SCAM to rig elections for Left-wing candidates. 

    This is the first time a ranked-choice voting ban has passed out of committee in Missouri. 

    We call on Senate leadership to bring this bill to the floor immediately!

    Initiative Petition Reform

    Perhaps no issue has been more controversial this session than initiative petition reform. 

    For far too long, out-of-state and out-of-country billionaires have targeted Missouri to pass their Radical Left-wing agenda because of our permissive laws regarding initiative petitions.

    After an all-night filibuster from Liberals in the Senate, so-called Conservatives SOLD OUT the base by removing protections against noncitizen voting from the resolution from SJR 74

    Banning noncitizen voting is one of THE MOST IMPORTANT election integrity reforms that Conservatives should be supporting this year. 

    The House should add these provisions back into the bill and send it to the Governor as soon as they return.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director 
    Liberty Alliance USA

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