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  • ICYMI: The 12 Days of Liberty Alliance Recap!

    December 27, 2023

    Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve shared the top pieces of Conservative legislation that will be making their way through the House and Senate chambers in Jefferson City.

    With the legislative session slated to start next week, we wanted to give you a recap and easy-to-reference list of all the legislation that we featured during the 12 Days of Liberty Alliance.


    SAFER ST. LOUIS ACT. This bill will free the St. Louis City Police Department from the incompetent and corrupt Board of Aldermen. Crime in St. Louis is out of control and City Hall is focused on woke nonsense like defunding the police. Missourians deserve safe streets and this bill will help deliver them.

    – Sponsored by Senator Nick Schoer

    See HERE

    TAX CUTS FOR HEROES. This bill would phase out the state income tax for members of the State Highway Patrol, peace officers, and federal law enforcement officers. These Missourians put their lives on the line every day to protect our communities, and the least that we can do is cut their taxes. 

    – Sponsored by Representative Justin Sparks

    See HERE

    PROTECTING POLICE ANIMALS. This bill would create Max’s Law, elevating the crimes of injuring and killing a police dog to felony offenses. Law enforcement animals are important members of their departments and play critical roles in keeping us safe. It’s time that the law reflects that. 

    – Sponsored by Senator Tony Luetkemeyer

    See HERE

    BAN RIGGED-CHOICE VOTING. Ranked-choice voting is a Left-wing scam pushed by George Soros and his friends to subvert the will of Conservative voters. The Radical Left knows that they can’t win elections so they want to change the rules. Missouri needs to ban this scheme once and for all.

    – Sponsored by Senator Ben Brown

    See HERE

    STOP ESG. Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) standards are used by financial institutions to force Left-wing ideology on businesses and the American people. Just like ranked-choice voting, ESG is a SCAM that Progressives use because they can’t win elections. This bill divests Missouri pension systems from participating in ESG and requires their managers to uphold their fiduciary duty to investors, NOT Leftist billionaires.

    – Sponsored by Senator Rusty Black

    See HERE

    EXPAND SCHOOL CHOICE. We know that Radical teachers unions have taken over our public schools and turned them into indoctrination factories. The best way that we can take back control is by implementing strong school choice policies. The legislature should build on the success of the MOScholars program and make sure every kid in every county has access to a high-quality school of their choosing.

    – Sponsored by Andrew Koenig

    See HERE

    BANS TIKTOK. TikTok is a Communist propaganda tool and a serious threat to our National Security. This bill would ban TikTok and any app or service that succeeds it from all.

    – Sponsored by Senator Travis Fitzwater

    See HERE

    PROHIBITS FOREIGN FUNDING OF LEGAL ACTIONS. Hostile governments have been manipulating our state justice system by funding actions that they aren’t even party to. This act bans that process and ensures that our courts can’t be manipulated by the Communist Chinese or anyone else.

    -Sponsored by Senator Curtis Trent

    See HERE

    BANS FOREIGN OWNERSHIP OF AGRICULTURAL LAND. The Communist Chinese and other enemies of America have been purchasing farm land in our state. This not only harms our local economies, but it puts the American food supply at risk. This bill prohibits any foreign entity from acquiring agricultural land on the date it becomes effective.

    -Sponsored by Senator Rick Brattin

    See HERE

    RIGHT TO WORK. This legislation allows counties to pass their own right to work laws. Missourians shouldn’t be forced to join and pay dues to a private organization as a condition of employment. Unions turn around and spend these required dues on Left-wing political speech. Missouri is less competitive than its neighbors who protect the Right to Work and we should rectify that this session.

    – Sponsored by Senator Jason Bean

    See HERE

    CUT REGULATION. Our state government is TOO BIG and over the years it’s collected TOO MANY REGULATIONS. This act would require state agencies to cut two regulations for every new one added. This requirement would clear the books while unleashing Missouri business. It’s common-sense and the legislature should pass it.

    – Sponsored by Representative Alex Riley

    See HERE

    COURT REFORM. Missouri courts are dominated by unelected and unaccountable judges who inject their Left-wing politics into their decisions and trample the separation of powers. This resolution would make much needed reforms to ensure that our courts are responsive to the people and free from corruption. It should be passed.

    – Sponsored by Senator Rick Brattin

    See HERE

    While the 12 Days of Liberty Alliance may be over, our work is just beginning. 

    As we get ready for the opening of the legislative session on January 3rd, share this list with your friends and ask your legislators where they stand.

    Missouri should be leading the country on FREEDOM.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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