ICYMI: The 12 Days of Liberty Alliance Recap!
Over the past few weeks, we’ve shared some of the top pieces of Conservative legislation pre-filed this year in Jefferson City.
With the legislative session right around the corner, we wanted to give you a recap and easy-to-reference list of all the legislation we featured during the 12 Days of Liberty Alliance.

House Joint Resolution 1
INCOME TAX ELIMINATION. This resolution puts Missouri on the path to ZERO state income tax. Consistent cuts based on revenue targets mean more money in your pocket and more investment in Missouri.
– Sponsored by Representative Bishop Davidson

Senate Joint Resolution 3
COURT REFORM. Missouri Courts are totally BROKEN. No Conservative victory is safe until Judges are accountable to the people, not the legal and political elites allowed to stack the bench with their Liberal cronies. Direct elections are the only way forward.
– Sponsored by Senator Cindy O’Laughlin

Senate Bill 152
FOREIGN FUNDING BAN. Of the $23 million spent by foreign nationals on Liberal ballot measure campaigns in 2024, $8 million was spent in Missouri. Foreign nationals are not allowed to donate to candidates and shouldn’t be able to donate to ballot measures either.
– Sponsored by Senator Ben Brown

Senate Bill 44
BOARD CONTROL. The people of St. Louis deserve better than what they’re getting from Woke City government. This omnibus bill establishes Governor-appointed local political control for the Municipal PD. It also strengthens penalties for rioting, stunt driving, and endangering the welfare of a child.
– Sponsored by Senator Travis Fitzwater

Senate Bill 137
IMMIGRATION ENFORCEMENT. Illegal immigration is wreaking havoc on our communities. This bill creates the offense of improper entry by an alien, allowing local law enforcement to arrest and detain illegals and get them off our streets.
– Sponsored by Senator Curtis Trent

House Bill 277
ORGANIZED RETAIL THEFT. One of the worst holdovers from the COVID era is the phenomenon of organized retail theft. This bill creates a new felony offense with harsh penalties. This smash-and-grab nonsense has NO PLACE in our state.
– Sponsored by Representative Lane Roberts

Senate Bill 24
FUND STUDENTS NOT SYSTEMS. This bill would guarantee a scholarship for every student who applies, regardless of taxpayer contributions to the ESA funds. Public school districts would make up the difference. Family tax dollars should follow the student!
– Sponsored by Senator Rick Brattin

Senate Bill 485
SCHOOL BOARD ELECTIONS IN NOVEMBER. School Board members avoid accountability by holding their elections in low-turnout April elections. These elections are dominated by Union members who don’t represent families. School Board elections should happen in November when voters are engaged.
-Sponsored by Senator Nick Schroer

Senate Bill 160
END COLLEGE CENSORSHIP. Too often, college administrators think that they can create a different set of rules for Conservative and Christian groups on campus. This bill ensures political and religious groups get the same access to facilities and communication channels as everyone else.
-Sponsored by Senator Brad Hudson

Senate Bill 389
ESG Ban. Environmental Social Governance (ESG) policies are nothing but thinly veiled corporate communism. ESG functions as a type of social credit score whereby asset managers make investment decisions based on Left-wing politics. This bill would ban ESG considerations from Missouri pensions.
– Sponsored by Senator Rusty Black
See More HERE

House Bill 319
CUT REGULATION. Businesses are getting CRUSHED under the weight of government regulations. This bill gives businesses the FREEDOM to innovate by requiring that for every new regulation adopted in Jefferson City, two others must be repealed.
– Sponsored by Representative Bryant Wolfin
See More HERE

Senate Bill 121
FREEDOM TO WORK. Missourians shouldn’t have to choose between a job and their First Amendment rights. In businesses across the state, workers are forced to pay dues to Big Labor as a condition of employment and their bosses use their money to support Democrat politicians. This bill would allow counties to pass laws protecting the Freedom to Work.
– Sponsored by Senator Jason Bean
See More HERE
While the 12 Days of Liberty Alliance may be over, our work is just beginning.
As we get ready for the opening of the legislative session, please share this list with friends, family, and especially your state legislators.
Let’s make it happen, Missouri.