Hate in their Hearts
Here’s the roundup from this past week:

More and more parents are waking up to the reality that government schools don’t reflect their values.
Now Christian schools across the country are BOOMING.
An increasing number of parents are ruling out public schools completely and choosing Christian schools for their kids from day one. https://t.co/Ba8RprfUoK
— The Lion (@ReadTheLion) September 16, 2024
This growth is supercharged by School Choice initiatives like MOScholars.

Small business owners in Kansas City are grappling with the fallout from out of control property crime.
Woke Liberal Mayor Quinton Lucas has zero answers.
.@MayorLucasKC's Kansas City is the only place "on a daily basis where we wonder if our staff is going to be safe and our assets are protected.” #MOLeg https://t.co/P32UQUOL1x
— Liberty Alliance (@LibertyAllUSA) September 19, 2024
It’s really simple: when you prosecute criminals, crime goes down.
Kansas City needs accountability.

We didn’t think Liberals could sink any lower.
After another attempt on President Trump’s life, they did just that.
“It is hard to imagine a greater threat to democracy than expressing a desire to have your political opponent murdered,” Rasmussen said in a statement.https://t.co/8zlbooMp8z
— The Heartlander (@HeartlanderNews) September 18, 2024
These people have HATE in their hearts.
Spencer Bone
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA