Election Integrity is On The Ballot
We’ve been deep in the fight against ranked-choice voting for years.
When we entered this election cycle, we expected to be on defense against the radical RIGGED-choice voting schemes that Liberal Billionaires tried to force on Missouri.
Now because of the grassroots pressure YOU put on them, we’re on OFFENSE.
Perhaps the greatest victory of the last legislative session was the passage of SJR 78, referring a Constitutional Amendment to BAN ranked-choice and noncitizen voting.
That measure has now been certified and will appear on the ballot in November as AMENDMENT 7.
Ranked-choice voting is a disastrous scheme designed to confuse and disenfranchise voters so that Liberal Billionaires can step into the void and rig the results.
Noncitizen voting is a Liberal attempt to dilute the voting power of American citizens.
If Liberals are allowed to manipulate our elections, none of our Conservative values are safe.
Make sure you talk to friends and neighbors about this critical amendment.
Election integrity is too important to leave to chance.

Spencer Bone
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA