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  • Does ANYONE have a plan?

    May 6, 2024

    Initiative petition reform has been at the top of our wishlist for many years. 

    From the beginning of the legislative session, the Senate has tied itself in knots over SJR 74, a resolution that would ask Missouri voters to make it harder to amend the constitution.

    At this point we’ve got to ask, does ANYONE have a plan if it passes? 

    In August of last year, Ohio Republicans placed a similar amendment on the ballot. 

    It was defeated and damaged the pro-life campaign run last November. Ohio now has Abortion enshrined in its state constitution.

    Is anyone raising money for a potential campaign? 

    Is anyone testing messaging? 

    Do pro-life forces in our state have the resources to run two campaigns this year? 

    We’ve been through this before in Missouri. 

    In 2018, the legislature added a Right to Work measure, Proposition A, to the August ballot.

    It was defeated, and Right to Work hasn’t gone anywhere in Missouri since.

    We’ve only got ONE CHANCE to get this right – and SJR 74 is not it.

    Missouri has a serious problem in its Courts. 

    Given the recent POLITICAL ruling by unelected judges throwing out the results of the election on Amendment 4, we have NO FAITH that if SJR 74 passed on the August ballot, it would apply to a November Abortion referendum.

    If this happens, it will be MUCH harder to pass court reform in Missouri.

    The fix is direct partisan elections of judges at the appellate and supreme court levels.

    If we don’t fix the courts, they will continue legislating from the bench and we will never succeed.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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