Crystal Quade Loves Abortion
State Representative Crystal Quade is the leader of the Liberals in Jefferson City.
She’s also an abortion nutjob.
In 2024 she sponsored HJR 105, the “Right to Abortion Care” Amendment that would impose the strictest legal standard on ANY abortion restrictions.
Crazy Crystal twice sponsored abortion legislation that would make Missouri the most pro-abortion state in the nation.
Her legislation, HB 544 in 2023 and HB 11 in 2022, is evil in a way that is hard to fathom.
It would have repealed the Late-Term Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and allowed abortions after 20 weeks of gestation.
It would have specifically allowed for abortions to be performed because of prenatal Down Syndrome diagnosis, the race of the baby, or the sex of the baby.
It would have lowered the medical malpractice insurance coverage requirement for abortion providers.
And in case you didn’t get the picture already, this bill would’ve removed references to ‘Almighty God’ in state statute.
The people need to know the truth about Jefferson City’s Liberal Leader.

Spencer Bone
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA