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  • Communist Party USA Endorses Ranked-Choice Voting

    May 14, 2024

    It sounds like a joke, but it’s completely serious.

    The Communist Party USA officially endorsed ranked-choice voting ahead of their 2024 Convention.

    Liberty Alliance has ALWAYS stood against the spread of socialism in Missouri.

    Banning ranked-choice voting is an important step.

    We’ve officially entered the last week of legislative session in Jefferson City.

    We’ve got one chance to BAN ranked-choice and noncitizen voting in our state. 

    Liberals will lie and pretend that ranked-choice voting is great and noncitizen voting doesn’t happen. 

    We’ll always tell the truth.

    SJR 78 needs just one vote on the floor of the House. 

    We’ve gotten this far because of Grassroots support.

    It’s time to FINISH THE JOB.

    Call on Speaker Dean Plocher to get this thing done.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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