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  • Montana Stephenson

    August 6, 2021


    At the end of his Iraqi deployment in 2004, Montana Stephenson reunited with his family in Ozark, Missouri.

    As an Army noncommissioned officer, he has devoted his life to preserving and defending the great American Dream. He felt he could offer a similar contribution in defending his community.

    He decided to pursue a career in law enforcement.

    By utilizing the GI bill, Stephenson attended the Eastern Missouri Police Academy. While the journey was anything but easy, he graduated from the academy with the highest distinction an officer can receive.

    His success didn’t stop there, though. Stephenson has gone on to have a distinguished career within the O’Fallon Police Department.

    His colleagues quickly recognized how effective Stephenson was. He tackled each assignment with precision, focus, and the attention to detail required to be an elite officer.

    He established himself as a leader and was given increased responsibilities through a variety of different positions. Some of these roles have included being a detective, SWAT team leader and sniper.

    Stephenson’s 16 years of experience in law enforcement has been anything but ordinary.

    He’s put his life on the line countless times and has led his fellow officers through a variety of dangerous situations. He’s even helped neighboring police departments – most notably helping to quell the riots in Ferguson.

    No matter how daunting a situation may be, Stephenson has always been ready to help those in need.

    A few years ago, his police department received a call from a man who was concerned about his fiance’s whereabouts. Stephenson arrived on the scene and conducted a wellness check.

    When he arrived at the individual’s home, he heard a woman shriek, “Help!” Stephenson and his Sergeant, Derek Myers, barged through the door, checked the apartment, and found a woman who had been held against her will.

    He set her free and remained by her side at the hospital until the perpetrator was arrested. The suspect was later prosecuted to the fullest extent. Stephenson has gone above and beyond to serve his community and keep the city safe, and his efforts have not been taken for granted.

    Four days before Christmas in 2017, he and his family experienced a traumatic event. Due to a freak accident, their house burned down. Everything was destroyed.

    Word spread quickly throughout the city, and the community felt the weight of the loss of one of their most dedicated public servants.

    After years of taking care of others, it wouldn’t be long before his community would soon take care of him. It was their turn to answer the call.

    The morning following the accident, about 40 fellow members of the SWAT team, their family, other police officers and medics showed up at his home to clean the damage.

    They brought his family gift cards, meals, and other necessitates.

    Stephenson soon became aware of the three go-fund-me accounts that had been dedicated toward rebuilding his home. One of them raised over $30,000.

    The acts of generosity didn’t stop there.

    To top it all off, a local construction developer offered to rebuild the Stephenson family home for just the cost of labor and materials.

    This story is just a small part of a bigger picture in O’Fallon.

    While he and his family have been extremely appreciative of what their neighbors have done for them, Stephenson notes that acts of kindness are commonplace in O’Fallon.

    Whether it’s buying a meal, giving a gift card from a local restaurant, or just saying words of encouragement, the people of O’Fallon are quick to share their appreciation for first responders.

    Tragically, however, these acts of kindness are hardly ever reported as the Left has been shameless in its effort to disrespect the police.

    Countless Americans understand the dangers police officers face daily and are grateful for their protection.

    Contrary to what the Leftist media would make it seem, police officers are supported in communities all across the country. O’Fallon is just one of many where law enforcement is appreciated.

    That’s why Liberty Alliance is proud to launch the BLUE LIVES SPOTLIGHT- a series dedicated to showcasing the support that police officers receive for all their hard work.

    The Left may work to defund the police, but Liberty Alliance exists to DEFEND THE POLICE.

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