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  • Barked at, Bitten, and Licked At School

    April 20, 2024

    Here’s the roundup from this past week: 


    Scotland County Missouri is the latest jurisdiction to CANCEL its membership in the US Alliance for Election Excellence, otherwise known as Zuckbucks 2.0.

    This program was created to get around state laws banning the private funding of election offices.

    Election offices are supposed to be nonpartisan, NOT beholden to Leftist dark money.

    Boone County should be the next to leave!


    Joe Biden can’t stop LYING.

    This time he claimed that his uncle was EATEN BY CANNIBALS.

    Joe Biden is UNFIT for office.


    Never heard of “furries?” Consider yourself lucky. 

    Students at Mt. Nebo Middle School staged a walkout because staff allowed “furry-identified” students to bite, bark, & lick them.

    “Furries” who bite other students should be reported to animal control!    

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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