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  • ANTI-AMERICAN Protests

    April 27, 2024

    Here’s the roundup from this past week: 


    This young man recently had a chance to share his knowledge of farming equipment at a trade show.

    His knowledge and love of agriculture are inspiring.

    America needs farmers and the next generation needs more like him!


    Yep, he’s still bad.

    After the Mayor’s illegal invitation for migrants to move to Kansas City, Councilman Nathan Willett introduced a resolution to clarify that KC is not a Sanctuary City.

    Mayor Lucas wouldn’t even allow a vote!

    Senate Appropriations Chair Lincoln Hough should consider whether or not Kansas City deserves state funds after this latest action.


    All over the country, students took over their campuses to protest in support of Hamas terrorists.

    These antisemitic protests are part of a broader ANTI-AMERICAN movement funded by Liberal billionaires.

    Why do these protests ALWAYS happen during election years??    

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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