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  • Amendment 7

    Vote YES on Amendment 7!

    On November 5th, Missouri voters will have the opportunity to protect our state from Left-wing election rigging schemes.

    Amendment 7 will appear on the ballot in this form:

    Shall the Missouri Constitution be amended to:

    • Make the Constitution consistent with state law by only allowing citizens of the United States to vote;
    • Prohibit the ranking of candidates by limiting voters to a single vote per candidate or issue; and
    • Require the plurality winner of a political party primary to be the single candidate at a general election?

    State and local governmental entities estimate no costs or savings.

    Most Americans want it to be easy to vote and hard to cheat.

    A national network of lobbyists, politicians, think tanks, activists, and “dark money” special interests are spending millions to reshape our elections. They target states like Missouri, pumping in millions of dollars in out-of-state money to sell the public on their scheme. 

    We’re working to make sure that the voices and interests of everyday Americans aren’t drowned out by elitist special interests who want to change the rules for their own benefit.

    Citizen Only Voting

    In 2023, California judges ruled that cities may allow noncitizens to vote under constitutional language that is substantially similar to Missouri’s. Amendment 7 clarifies that noncitizen voting has no place in our state.

    • Seven states have expressly banned non-citizen voting: Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, North Dakota, and Ohio.
    • Voters approve of constitutional amendments to ban non-citizen voting by overwhelming margins. Nearly 77% of Ohio voters approved a measure in 2022, while nearly 63% of Colorado voters approved a similar measure in 2020.
    • 89% think that American elections should only be for American citizens, including 82% of Democrats, 80% of Black voters, and 78% of Hispanic voters.

    Ranked-Choice Voting Ban

    Liberals can no longer win elections in Missouri and they’re desperate to change the rules. Ranked-choice voting is confusing, costly, and it makes recounts impossible. It should be banned.

    • Ranked-choice voting is complicated, leading to voter confusion and mistakes.
    • – It leads to delays in the reporting of election results – 15 days in Alaska.
    • – Because of its complicated nature, counts cannot be quickly verified and recounts are impossible.
    • – Ranked-choice voting creates a fake majority by throwing out between 9 and 27% of votes.
    • – Liberal billionaires John and Laura Arnold funded the 2022 initiative petition to implement ranked-choice voting in Missouri.

    Party Primaries

    Liberal billionaires know that it’s easier for them to influence our elections in a California-style top-two or similar system. By forcing candidates of all parties into a single primary election, particularly when paired with ranked-choice voting, they can game the system to benefit their preferred choices. Party primaries should be required.

    • Amendment 7 makes no changes to how Missouri selects its Presidential nominees.
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