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  • TAKE ACTION: Support SJR 78

    April 9, 2024

    Just now the Missouri Senate “third read” SJR 78, sending the resolution to the House for consideration.

    SJR 78 stops rigged-choice voting in its tracks.

    It also BANS noncitizen voting like the kind New York City is suing to protect.

    This session has been marked by GRASSROOTS engagement on election integrity issues. 

    Now it’s up to all of us to make sure that our legislators DO THEIR JOB and send this important piece of legislation to the Governor’s desk.

    Liberal billionaires think that if they could just CHANGE THE RULES, they can take over our state.

    We won’t let that happen.

    Contact your house member and let them know you SUPPORT SJR 78.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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