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  • Five Bills We HATE

    January 4, 2024

    We spent the last few weeks highlighting bills we want to see passed in Jefferson City

    Now that the session is underway, we decided to share some of the pre-filed bills we HATE.

    Here are five bills we DO NOT want to see passed this year:

    1. Senate Bill 1135

    ABORTION ANYTIME FOR ANY REASON. This bill would make California and Illinois blush. It repeals all prohibitions on abortion and specifically allows for abortions based on sex, race, or Down Syndrome diagnosis.

    – Sponsored by Senator Lauren Arthur

    See HERE

    2. House Bill 1903

    EUTHANASIA. Sometimes we forget that the Liberal culture of death extends beyond abortion. This bill would allow doctors to kill their patients based on dubious bureaucratic notions of informed consent and terminal disease.

    – Sponsored by Representative Ian Mackey

    See HERE

    3. House Bill 1883

    NO-EXCUSE ABSENTEE VOTING. Liberals will do anything to make it easier to cheat in our elections. This bill creates a no-excuse absentee voting regime that would empower malicious actors and undermine confidence in our elections.

    – Sponsored by Representative Patty Lewis

    See HERE

    4. Senate Bill 971

    “ASSAULT WEAPONS” BAN. This unconstitutional bill would deprive Missourians of their Second Amendment rights based on terminology that Liberals can’t even define. The constitution is clear: the right to bear arms SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

    – Sponsored by Senator Angela Mosley

    See HERE

    5. House Bill 1624

    CASHEW CHICKEN. This bill would designate cashew chicken as the state dish of Missouri. 

    I’m sorry, but our cattlemen, pork producers, and barbecue pitmasters would like a word.

    – Sponsored by Representative Jamie Gragg

    See HERE

    We hope that NONE of these bills pass.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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