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  • How Lucas and the KC City Council Illegally Defunded the Police

    August 27, 2021

    Earlier this month, Liberty Alliance released documents showing Mayor Quinton Lucas and Members of the KC City Council violated the Sunshine Law. 

    A majority of the City Council, including Mayor Lucas, conspired in secret to defund millions of dollars from the police without consulting the public or other members of the Council who support the police department (View the documents and full story HERE).

    Then, Liberty Alliance released another document showing an email that reveals the friendship between Mayor Quinton Lucas and Cori Bush.


    In the email, Lucas describes Bush as a supporter of Kansas City, but NOT of the Kansas City Police Department.

    It doesn’t stop there, however. 

    Lucas goes on to state that 5 of the city council members also share her same sentiment.

    How can these people claim to support Kansas City, but NOT support the city’s police department?

    How can the city’s highest elected official support those individuals?

    The true attitudes of Lucas, Bush, and select members of the city council are coming to light.

    See the document HERE.

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