Lobbyists Are Going To Be Mad
Conservatives cut taxes.
It’s what we do.
The usual suspects will come out of the woodwork to oppose income tax elimination.
Teachers unions and Liberals oppose tax cuts as a matter of principle – wailing about imagined service cuts all the way.
We remember the Laffer Curve: the economic reality that tax cuts can lead to revenue growth.
That’s how HJR 1 works.
As revenue goes up, tax cuts are triggered.
Money that comes in over and above goes into the Tax Reform Fund.
State sales tax rates are constitutionally limited.
What are the trade-offs?
Most importantly: spending caps. State budgets will no longer be allowed to run wild.
Also, lobbyists and service-oriented special interests would lose their cut-outs from state sales taxes.
We have a chance to do something great for Missouri.
Send a message of support to your state legislator: bit.ly/HJR-1
Andy Bakker
Executive Director
Liberty Alliance USA