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  • Missouri Courts are Broken

    September 11, 2024

    I’m sure you’ve seen the news.

    Missouri’s unelected Liberal Supreme Court allowed the full-term abortion amendment back onto the ballot despite ‘blatant violation’ of state law.

    Missouri’s radically partisan judges can get away with this precisely because they never have to face an election.

    Until we see direct partisan election of judges at the appellate and Supreme Court levels, none of our Conservative victories are safe.

    That’s why it’s even more critical that we pass Amendment 7 in November.

    The citizen-only voting movement kicked into high gear when California Courts ruled that the state constitution’s guarantee of the right to vote for ‘every citizen’ didn’t stop cities from allowing noncitizens to vote too.

    Do we really think the Liberal Missouri courts would handle this issue any differently?

    Amendment 7 would take the issue out of their hands by guaranteeing the right to vote to ONLY citizens.

    We can’t trust the courts. 

    We must pass Amendment 7.

    Spencer Bone

    Executive Director
    Liberty Alliance USA

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